
Alison Branagan MA AIC FRSA is a specialist business adviser working within the visual arts and creative industries. She has a proven track record in research, devising innovative short courses for artists, designers and creative people, which have enhanced their professional standards, increased entrepreneurial skills and generated opportunities to further their practice or enterprise. For further information please visit the Central Saint Martins’ website or click through the link below to enroll.

If you would like to have a business advice session with Alison Branagan or are interested in her running a workshop for your business or organisation, please contact her on 020 8365 0453 or email her on

Entrepreneurship For Creatives – Granary Square Summer School


Alongside talent, artists, designers, image makers and creative professionals have prospered through a variety of means. Many skills need to be enhanced or acquired to become a successful practitioner or build a business within the creative industries. This course aims to assist in developing a range of inter-personal and practical enterprise skills to help you profit from opportunity.

Topics covered

Through a series of online workshops, you will learn how to focus, negotiate, construct networks, create a vision, work with others, understand key legal aspects and business strategy. Learning about these topics will assist you in pursuing an entrepreneurial outlook which can inspire a new sense of direction. The course includes exciting talks by successful creative entrepreneurs.

There will be sessions on idea generation, publicity stunts, innovation, trend forecasting, crowdfunding, presentation and creating an inspired sales pitch

The city law firm Laytons LLP is offering a free business name check and trade mark search to delegates on this course.

Who should take this course?

Artists, makers, designers, photographers or any other creative professionals wishing to develop their entrepreneurship skills.

Dates & Times

Dates 2025 dates to be confirmed
Day/s of Week 4 Days Summer School On Campus
Time 10.00am – 04.00pm
Cost £620
Location Central Saint Martins, Kings Cross, Granary Square
Enrol Please click here to enrol & view more info
Dates  2025 dates to be confirmed
Day/s of Week 4 Days Online
Time 10.00am – 4.00pm (See the link for additional online dates)
Cost £620
Location Online Via UAL Collaborate
Enrol Please click here to enrol & view more info

Student Testimonials

Very interesting and useful course, rewarding, great handouts, ideas and tips”Claire Silvestre

Thank you for all the wonderful insights you provided us! I would not have been able to successfully substantiate my photography practice without your valuable inputs”Vishal Kumaraswamy

“A wonderful world of insights into the very complex universe of business”Jacinta Sullivan

Creative Entrepreneurship

Alongside talent, artists, designers, image makers and creative professionals have prospered through a variety of means. Many skills need to be enhanced or acquired to become a successful practitioner or build a business within the creative industries. This course aims to assist in developing a range of inter-personal and practical enterprise skills to help you profit from opportunity.

Topics covered

These topics will assist you in pursuing an entrepreneurial outlook which can inspire a new sense of direction. The course includes an exciting talk by a successful creative entrepreneur. There will be sessions on idea generation, publicity stunts, innovation, trend forecasting, presentation, and negotiation.

Who should take this course?

Artists, makers, designers, photographers or any other creative professionals wishing to develop their entrepreneurship skills.

Dates & Times

Dates 8/2/2025 – 8/2/2025
Day/s of Week Weekend
Time 10.00 to 4.00pm (See link below for more dates)
Cost £440
Location Central Saint Martins, Granary Square
Enrol Please click here to enrol & view more info

Business Start Up For Creatives – Weekend Course at Granary Square

This short weekend course is for artists, makers, designers, photographers and image makers who wish to know about how to set up in business, and learn about the benefits of becoming self-employed. Did you know for instance that you can be employed and run an arts practice or design business at the same time? Did you know that if you freelance, sell work or need to gain commissions or run workshops on an ongoing basis you might need to gain legal trading status? But don’t panic!

This course will give you a concise overview of where to find sources of support, how to write a business plan, promote and identify a market for your artworks, designs, and creative skills. Other topics covered include raising awareness of legal issues, taxation, costing and pricing, what to charge and how to get paid.

The course includes a talk by a recently self-employed arts, design or lens-based start-up.

City law firm Laytons LLP is offering a free business name check and trade mark search to delegates on this course.

Who should take this course?

Artists, makers, designers, photographers or any other creative professionals wishing to develop their business skills.

Dates & Times

Dates 23/11/24 – 24/11/24
Day/s of Week Weekend (See below link for more dates)
Time 10.00am to 4.00pm
Cost £380
Location Central Saint Martins, Granary Square
Enrol Please click here to enrol & view more info